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Declaration of conflict minerals

Release Time: 2021-07-21 11:33:21

SHD Communication always adheres to the goal of global social responsibility, implements ethical procurement, and promotes the sustainable development of the industrial chain.

"Conflict minerals" refer to minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold that originate in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighbors and whose sale may finance ongoing armed conflicts in those countries.SHD Communications takes the issue of conflict minerals very seriously and is taking action to address this issue.

The issue of conflict minerals, which is of general concern to the electronics and other industries, is extremely complex and requires the commitment and cooperation of enterprises, Governments and non-governmental organizations. SHD Communications does not purchase or support the use of conflict minerals.SHD Communications requires all suppliers not to purchase conflict minerals and SHD Communications also requires suppliers to extend this requirement to sub-suppliers.

SHD Communications deals with supply chain social responsibility issues through industry collaboration.We will continue to participate in the 'conflict minerals' investigation and work with our customers and suppliers to find sustainable solutions to conflict minerals issues.

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